Thursday, November 8, 2007

Weight Loss Update

Well, I am very pleased to announce that I have really enjoyed this weight loss experience. I know that probably sounds odd, but I wasn't really sure if I would be able to lose this pregnancy weight, but now I know that I CAN and WILL lose it all! Tonight was my 10th Weigh-in (9 weeks of program) and I lost 4.6 lbs this week!!! That is highly unusual, but I was very happy nonetheless! ;) This brings my total Weight Watchers weight loss to 22.2 lbs!!! My own mini-goal was to lose 20 lbs by the time Ryan got back from Iraq, so this makes me SOOO happy that I've reached that goal and surpassed it and still have some time before he gets back to lose a few more pounds! :) I also passed my 10% goal, which is where you lose 10% of your original weight. It's a way of setting little attainable goals along the way to your ultimate goal, thus not letting yourself get discouraged. I have now lost 50 lbs total from my biggest pregnancy weight, YAY!!! Only have about 25 more pounds till I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight! I'm so glad that I decided to do this... Just think, I would still be a fatty if I wouldn't have gotten the nerve to walk in that meeting 9 weeks ago! :)


Heather said...

That is SOOO awesome, Bette Anne!!! I am SOOO proud of you! Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Good for you!!! That is great, and I'm already motivated myself for after the baby is born! =) Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

You can tell, too, in those latest photos. I learned something from weight watchers...."Nothing tastes as good as thin feels".....and you have lost a LOT...over 4 pounds in one week is fantastic. Thanks for sharing your good news! Barbara

Unknown said...

Congrats to ya... Whoo-hoo!

Anonymous said...

that's really awesome. keep up the great work!